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  • ARISTO 90107 specially commissioned model for calculating the lifespan of filament lightbulbs
  • Koch, Huxhold & Hannemann (KHH) - made the surprising System Korte slide rule that does addition & subtraction
  • Smallwood Folding Shoe Sizing Stick in metric for French shoe sizes 10-48 in increments of a Paris point (⅔ cm)
  • Lawrence MIT Antenna slide rule for radar antenna performance was classified during WWII by UK & US governments
  • ALRO-made ruler unusually with a cursor for analysing ECG printouts of the cardiac Sinus Rhythms
  • Hatters Gauge - for measuring the size of a hat but unusually calibrated in metric & imperial
  • Glovers Rule - for measuring the length of a glove in imperial inches
  • Unusual non-logarithmic QR 41 military model by Dennert & Pape (D&P) for training anti-aircraft gunners
  • Colour combinations slide rule made by German WH-Wohnen for Interior Designers
  • Professor Fuller’s Drum Calculator from 1878 - made by W.F. Stanley
  • Modern wristwatch with slide rule bezel calculator made by German maker Kienzle
  • Ruxton made Multi-Vider combined drop-lead pencil & slide rule
  • Rare Otis King Model N for Retail & Monetary with white scales (422 & 424) on a black background
  • Darnley’s Rotable Lightning Calculator/Pencil Case calculating aid
  • Makeba made Kombinator combination pencil & slide rule
  • Rare Carbic-made Fischer Calculator slide rule
  • Specialist slide rule for a national home cable radio broadcasting system offered in The Netherlands from 1930 to1970
  • Smallest drum (≈ 2.4m) made by renowned Swiss maker LOGA

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You searched for: Engineering -ALRO -Blundell -Faber -Inglis -Mfg. -Fearns -Hemmi -Koch -Servo -Koehring -REDI -Victor -Pipkorn -Trow -Unknown -Unique
CONCISE (K.K. Konsaisu)26 APocket Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scales - earlyplastic/metal

Combined slide rule/slide chart specially commissioned by Japanese engineering company Chiyoda + conversion factors on back + removable data card with weight, length, square (area) & cubic/capacity conversion tables 

CONCISE (K.K. Konsaisu)EE-112Pocket Electronicplastic/metal

Combined slide rule/slide chart designed by SAMA & ETANI & specially commissioned by American engineering company Brown & Root Inc. + reactance nomogram on back + removable data card with length, weight, area, volume, energy power & velocity conversion tables - EE model name prefix = Engineering & Electronic

Engineering Instruments Inc.(10-B) Book with Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scales wood/painted

Cadillac Publishing Co. with give-away unmarked “10-B” with vol.1 of their Self-Teaching Encyclopaedia

Engineering Instruments Inc.10-B (unmarked)Enhanced Mannheimwood/painted

Conversion Tables on back

Engineering Instruments Inc.10-B (unmarked)Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scales - monochromewood/painted

Conversion Tables on back

Engineering Instruments Inc.10-BKEnhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/paintedStandard Lawrence 10-B but called 10-BK with conversion tables on back
Engineering Instruments Inc.250-BTEnhanced Mannheimwood/painted

Conversion Tables on back

Engineering Instruments Inc.250-BTEnhanced Mannheim - earlywood/painted

Conversion Tables on back

Engineering Instruments Inc.250-BTWINSCO Enhanced Mannheimwood/painted

WINSCO Wabash Instruments & Specialities Inc. on back + - Tables of Constants 

Engineering Instruments Inc.250-V (ver. 1)Enhanced Mannheimwood/plastic veneers

Conversion tables on back

Engineering Instruments Inc.250-V (ver. 2)Enhanced Mannheimwood/painted

Identical to ver. 1 but promoted in different colour box + Conversion Tables on back 

Engineering Instruments Inc.5-B LearnerPocket Student Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/painted

Specially commissioned by Lakeside Toys +  DRAFT-A-PLAN BY LAKESIDE printed on rule

Engineering Instruments Inc.5-BPocket Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/painted

Unmarked “5-B”

Engineering Instruments Inc.77A American Log-Logplastic/engraved

OEM rule made by American maker ACU-Math (model 150) - unusual layout means the back is often mistaken for the front

Engineering Instruments Inc.Draft-a-Plan kit (5-B)LAKESIDE boxed setwood/painted

OEM collaboration between Lakeside & Engineering Instruments

Lawrence Engineering Services10-B blueEnhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/painted blue

Monchrome blue version of standard 10-B with conversion tables on back

Lawrence Engineering Services10-B DeLuxeEnhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/paintedDeLuxe = magnifying cursor. Conversion tables on back of rule
Lawrence Engineering Services10-B DeLuxe (ver. Grosset & Dunlap)Book + Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/painted

How To Use It (instructions & tests) dirty orange & black book by Sommers/Drell/Wallschlaeger & published by Grosset & Dunlap 

Lawrence Engineering Services10-B DeLuxe (ver. Wilcox & Follett)Book + Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/painted

How To Use It (instructions & tests) dark-green & gold book by Sommers/Drell/Wallschlaeger & published by Wilcox and Follett Co. with extra loose-leaf Answers addendum + slide rule in back

Lawrence Engineering Services10-B OEMLARCH Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/paintedname on enevlope not rule
Lawrence Engineering Services10-B OEMGENE LOEWY Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/paintedname on enevelope not rule
Lawrence Engineering Services10-B originalEnhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/painted

Early & famous 25¢ slide rule -

Lawrence Engineering Services10-B standardEnhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/painted

Conversion tables on back

Lawrence Engineering Services10-CEngraver's and Photographer's Proportion Calculatorwood/painted

For area % up & down scaling

Lawrence Engineering Services10-DLumber Calculator - basic versionwood/painted

For lumber volume in board feet

Lawrence Engineering Services10-D0Lumber Calculatorwood/painted

For lumber volume in board feet

Lawrence Engineering Services10-FPricing and Inventory Rulewood/painted

For discount or profit margin mark-up per gross/dozen/each in $‘s

Lawrence Engineering Services10-GCutting Speed Calculatorwood/painted

For recommended machining cutting speed in f.p.m for given drill speed & size

Lawrence Engineering Services10-IModel Builder's Slide Rulewood/painted

For calculating the scaled down dimensions (various railway gauge sizes) for replica scaled models of railroads/trains

Lawrence Engineering Services10-NPrinter's Proportion Rulewood/painted

For moving between inches & picas when printing/publishing

Lawrence Engineering Services12-HCopyfitter printingwood/painted

For font size and letter/word/line spacing in points and picas - layout © Owen T. Taylor

Lawrence Engineering Services12-JPro-Raterwood/painted

For calculating days between two dates & pro-rata premium/days

Lawrence Engineering Services250-BTEnhanced Mannheimwood/painted

Conversion tables on back

Lawrence Engineering Services250-BT OEMUS NAVY Enhanced Mannheimwood/painted

Conversion & gauge marks tables on back

Lawrence Engineering Services250-BT OEMLIETZ 2974N Enhanced Mannheimwood/painted

Conversion tables on back

Lawrence Engineering Services250-BT OEMDU PONT Enhanced Mannheimwood/paintedConversion tables on back
Lawrence Engineering Services250-BT OEMCHARVOZ-ROOS SR31 Enhanced Mannheimwood/painted

Conversion tables on back

Lawrence Engineering Services250-VEnhanced Mannheimwood/plastic veneers

Marketed as a “Professional Slide Rule” - conversion tables on back

Lawrence Engineering Services6-OpPocket Photographic Calculator - earlywood/painted

For Photoflash Lamps but missing top colour film scale found on the later Flashrule version  - photography tips printed on back​

Lawrence Engineering Services6-OpPocket Photographic Flashrule wood/painted

For GE or Westinghouse Photoflash Lamps - photography tips printed on back

Lawrence Engineering Services6-OwPocket Photographic Flashrule wood/painted

For WABASH Photoflash Lamps - photography tips printed on back

Lawrence Engineering Services8-AMannheimwood/printed

Conversion table printed on back - Wabash made

Lawrence Engineering Services8-BEnhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/printed

Conversion table printed on back - Wabash made

Lawrence Engineering Services8-B OEMDU MONT Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/painted
Lawrence Engineering Services8-B OEMANCO Enhanced Mannheim without Trig scaleswood/painted

Paper table of decimal equivalents on back

Lawrence Engineering Services8-LCopper Wire Selector - basic Cedar Valley versionwood/paintedFor minimum wire size/volt (440/220/110) in A.W.G
Lawrence Engineering Services8-LCopper Wire Selectorwood/painted

For minimum wire size/volt (440/220/110) in A.W.G. - conversion tables on back

Lawrence Engineering Services9-KMusic TransposerWood/painted

For constructing chords in any key & transposing one key to any other

Lawrence Engineering ServicesB.F. GrizzleGas Displacement Meter Calculatorwood/printed

Specially commissioned by B.F. Grizzle for calculating gas rates through displacement meters @ various pressures - layout © B.F. Grizzle

Lawrence Engineering ServicesB.F. GrizzleGas Low Pressure Line Flow Capacity Slide Rule wood/painted

Specially commissioned by B.F. Grizzle for calculating open flow rates using pilot tube pressure readings - layout © B.F. Grizzle based on Spitzglass’ formula

Lawrence Engineering ServicesB.F. GrizzlePipe Flow for gaswood/painted

Specially commissioned by B.F. Grizzle for calculating the gas flow capacity/hour through a pipe of a given diameter - layout © B.F. Grizzle based on Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line formula

Lawrence Engineering ServicesB.F. GrizzlePipe Flow for waterwood/painted

Specially commissioned by B.F. Grizzle for calculating the friction loss in a section of water pipe & head loss for a given pipe diameter, length & flow - layout © B.F. Grizzle based on Hazen–Williams equation

Lawrence Engineering ServicesB.F. GrizzlePipe Open Flow Capacitywood/painted

Specially commissioned by B.F. Grizzle for calculating open flow rates based on pilot tube pressure readings & using Reid’s formula for pipe profiles - layout © B.F. Grizzle

Lawrence Engineering ServicesB.F. GrizzlePipe Orifice Meter Calculating Rule wood/painted

Specially commissioned by B.F. Grizzle for calculating the size of conduit restriction needed to create a required pressure drop - layout © B.F. Grizzle

Lawrence Engineering ServicesCanadian Radium & UraniumGamma-Ray Radiographicwood/painted

Specially commissioned by Canadian Radium & Uranium Corp. for commercial (steel or alloys) rather than medical use - for determining the appropriate exposure times for radiographic images involving radium-226 sources

Lawrence Engineering ServicesCaprockConcrete Quantity Calculatorwood/plastic verneers

Specially commissioned by Caprock Materials Co. for calculating cubic yards of concrete needed for or in a wall of certain dimensions

Lawrence Engineering ServicesCode-MakerPocket BeichWood/printed

Part of loyalty scheme for sales of WHIZ chocolate bars

Lawrence Engineering ServicesCode-MakerPocket (boxed pair)wood/printed

Rules carry an advertisement for Robin Company, Chicago

Lawrence Engineering ServicesCode-MakerPocket Dick TracyWood/printed

Because of the Dick Tracy connection presumably marketed in cooperation with the “Chicago Tribune New York News Syndicate”

Lawrence Engineering ServicesFun IncorporatedPocket Poker Meter Gamblingwood/painted

Specially commissioned by Fun Incorporated + © design from 1950 by Ideas Unlimited read more …

Lawrence Engineering ServicesL.E. WaddingtonMusic & Music Acousticswood/painted

Specially commissioned by L.E. Waddington for adjusting relative vibration rates, degrees of scale, intervals, chord structures, scale indications & transposition data against a piano keyboard - based on several standard frequency level specifications - layout © L.E. Waddington - Reference Frequency table in well - Subscript Notation, Instrument tables, Time Signatures & nomograms on back

Lawrence Engineering ServicesMadisonCutting Speed Calculatorwood/painted

Specially commissioned by Madison Manufacturing Company for calculating the drill and cutting speed for machining a given diameter - extra tables on back

Lawrence Engineering ServicesMiller MotorAir and Hydraulic Cylinder Calculatorwood/painted

Specially commissioned by Miller Motor Company for calculating air & hydraulic cylinder values such such as thrusts, bores, areas displacements, etc - conversion tables on back

Lawrence Engineering ServicesMurphy & MurphyConcrete Quantity Calculatorwood/plastic verneers

Specially commissioned by Murphy & Murphy Inc. for calculating cubic yards of concrete needed for or in a wall of certain dimensions

Lawrence Engineering ServicesPioneerEpperson TV coverage calculatorwood/painted

Specially commissioned by Pioneer to calculate approximate 'Grade A,' 'Grade B' & 'Principal City' Coverage for all VHF and UHF Television Stations from TV station's published power & antenna height + gives approximate field strength in microvolts/meter for distances up to 100 miles from transmitter + UV/M-DB conversion scale on back - layout © J.B. Epperson

Lawrence Engineering ServicesPlaza ExpressTraffic Manager'swood/painted

Specially commissioned by Plaza Express Company Inc. for checking freight shipping charges or shipping rates or shipping truck/carload breaking points & calculating storage costs - layout © M.T. Brockman

Lawrence Engineering ServicesRCAF.M. coverage calculatorwood/painted

Specially commissioned by Radio Corporation of America for estimating coverage of FM radio stations according to the type of RCA antennae

Lawrence Engineering ServicesStatham LaboratoriesPoker Meter Gamblingwood/painted

Specially commissioned by Statham Laboratories + © design from 1950 by Ideas Unlimited read more …

Lawrence Engineering ServicesTaylor PublishingCopyfitter printingwood/painted

Specially commissioned by Taylor Publishing Co. with scale layout © Owen T. Taylor & identical to 12-H + CCP paper table gives Characters Per Pica for extensive list of different type faces & fonts for both upper & lower case - 

Lawrence Engineering ServicesTenbrookL.P. Gaswood/painted

Specially commissioned by Tenbrook Enterprises for calculating the temperature correction (°F) needed when making bulk deliveries of Propane

Lawrence Engineering ServicesThomasMusic Composition & Transposerwood/painted

Specially commissioned by Thomas Specialities for composing, transposing or creating harmonies - layout © Thomas

Lawrence Engineering ServicesTokheim 92K Factor Heating Oil Supplywood/painted

Specialty commissioned by Tokheim Oil Tank & Pump Corp. for calculating supply requirements of household heating/fuel oil - K factor is a way of showing (gallons/degree day) how fast a consumer uses fuel (analogy = miles/gallon in a car)

Lawrence Engineering ServicesUS Army (DeYOE)Military Artillery Range Findingwood/painted

Specially commissioned by US ARMY + called a “Graphic Table” by the US military & used for “Bracketing” i.e. flooding an area with shells rather than precise aiming - “Y” probably refers to Howitzer gun & “OE” = observed errors + Mils range suggests mortar shelling

Lawrence Engineering ServicesUS Aviation UnderwritersInsurancewood/painted

Specially commissioned by United States Aviation Underwriters Inc. for actuarial-based calculations + table on back for cancellation ratio’s/days - layout © Albert J. Smith