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  • ARISTO 90107 specially commissioned model for calculating the lifespan of filament lightbulbs
  • Koch, Huxhold & Hannemann (KHH) - made the surprising System Korte slide rule that does addition & subtraction
  • Smallwood Folding Shoe Sizing Stick in metric for French shoe sizes 10-48 in increments of a Paris point (⅔ cm)
  • Lawrence MIT Antenna slide rule for radar antenna performance was classified during WWII by UK & US governments
  • ALRO-made ruler unusually with a cursor for analysing ECG printouts of the cardiac Sinus Rhythms
  • Hatters Gauge - for measuring the size of a hat but unusually calibrated in metric & imperial
  • Glovers Rule - for measuring the length of a glove in imperial inches
  • Unusual non-logarithmic QR 41 military model by Dennert & Pape (D&P) for training anti-aircraft gunners
  • Colour combinations slide rule made by German WH-Wohnen for Interior Designers
  • Professor Fuller’s Drum Calculator from 1878 - made by W.F. Stanley
  • Modern wristwatch with slide rule bezel calculator made by German maker Kienzle
  • Ruxton made Multi-Vider combined drop-lead pencil & slide rule
  • Rare Otis King Model N for Retail & Monetary with white scales (422 & 424) on a black background
  • Darnley’s Rotable Lightning Calculator/Pencil Case calculating aid
  • Makeba made Kombinator combination pencil & slide rule
  • Rare Carbic-made Fischer Calculator slide rule
  • Specialist slide rule for a national home cable radio broadcasting system offered in The Netherlands from 1930 to1970
  • Smallest drum (≈ 2.4m) made by renowned Swiss maker LOGA

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You searched for: pouch clip

Pouch Clips V – the naked clip
Gazette Issue 14 September 2013 download

Despite discovering yet another shocking new category, the rule clip, most clips remain rare and mostly American. 

[Dietzgen] [Eckel] [Faber-Castell] [Lafayette] [Pickett] [P&E] [POST]

Pouch Clips IV
Gazette Issue 12 August 2011 download

Despite discovering a new category, the clip rule, pouch or rule clips remain rare and mostly American. 

[Baux-Arts] [concrete] [Eckel] [Faber-Castell] [Parisan] [Pickett] [P&E]

Undaunted and Still As Rare As A ..... Pouch Clip !
Gazette Issue 11 August 2010 download

Why yet another update? One of Andy Warhol’s (1928-1987) more famous quotes is: “... everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.” It seems my 15 minutes of fame may come from pouch clips! 

[ARISTO] [DIETZGEN] [ECOBRA] [Faber-Castell]

Still As Rare As A ..... Pouch Clip!
Gazette Issue 8 August 2007 download

Despite finding a few new examples, pouch clips remain rare and mostly American. 

[brand] [Eckel] [Escher] Keuffel] [K&E] [Pickett] [P&E] [POST] [UTO]

Rare As A .... Pouch Clip!
Gazette Issue 7 August 2006 download

Finding a rare “lost gem” in a flea market gives an adrenalin rush that modern on-line auctions can never match. But what makes a slide rule rare is not straightforward as “rare” can turn out to be a simple pouch clip. 

[ARISTO] [brand] [DIETZGEN] [[Eckel] [Escher] [Faber-Castell] [Keuffel] [K&E] [Leningrad] [Pickett] [P&E] [POST] [RICOH] [SIC]